
You deserve to invest in your own health and wellbeing.

As mothers, we often find it hard to spend money on ourselves. It may feel like a luxury to spend money on something that is just for you when there are so many competing demands on our financial resources. But think what would happen if you got ill? Think how much better you could show up on a day-to-day basis for your family if you were feeling well, happy and energised? I like to think of it this way: If your car needed new tyres, you would somehow find the money to ensure that you keep your vehicle safe on the road, even though you know you will probably get a new car in a few years. Your body is worth the same investment and more. It’s not as easy as buying new parts when things go wrong or trading your body in for a newer model (if only!). You only get one home. You deserve to look after it. Health is not a luxury but unfortunately, it’s something most of us take for granted until we don’t have it anymore.

How does nutritional therapy work?

No matter what stage you are at on your motherhood journey, I offer bespoke 1:1 packages tailored to your individual needs . There are 6 week, 3 month and 6 month options depending on the level of support you require, but each package works on a similar basis and consists of:

  • An in depth review of your medical history, including a full body system review and symptom analysis
  • An analysis of your current diet
  • 1:1 consultations and support over a 6 week to 6 month period (face to face or via zoom)
  • A review and analysis of any GP blood tests / results
  • Nutrition and supplement plans to support your health goals
  • Bespoke recipes that fit your lifestyle and cooking skills
  • Functional Testing recommendations (priced separately)
  • Lifestyle advice, focusing on stress management, sleep quality and an evaluation of your environmental toxins
  • Educational Materials to develop a deeper awareness and understanding of your body

1:1 Packages

Fertility Support and Preparing for Pregnancy
Well Nourished Bump
Postnatal Support and the Fourth Trimester
Well Nourished Mums
Well Nourished Kids
Fertility Support and Preparing for Pregnancy
Well Nourished Bump
Postnatal Support and the Fourth Trimester
Well Nourished Mums
Well Nourished Kids

Get in Touch

I'd love to chat!

If you are interested to learn more about how Nutritional Therapy could help you or you want to explore which package to go for then book a free, no-obligation 25 minute discovery call.